Saturday, November 5, 2011

October was fun, but.....Novemeber will be full of "Fall"tastic learning!

 We have had a so much fun and learning over the last few weeks.  We are almost finished with all of our letters and sounds, and learning so much new information just like rockstars do.
 We are learning about how we can retell stories that are read to us.  We can identify the characters, setting, problem/solution and events that happen in a story.
 Our students really loved reading about Clifford and the Pumpkin Patch.  They did a great job identifying the characters, setting and problem/solution.
 Fall Festival was great!  Thanks PTO
 Fun games were played by all.
 We carved a pumpkin in our class.  For many of our students this was the first time.  It was lots of fun.
 Our rockstars were not so sure about putting their hands in the pumpkin and pulling out the seeds.
 It may be slimy but I'll smile anyway.
Happy Fall to You!

Only two more weeks of school before Thanksgiving Break.  Hold on tight there is a lot to do.  
Mrs. Ring

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